RhinoLands commercial:

RhinoLands1,790.00 USD$
RhinoLands monthly subscription
(Subscription. Requires a Rhino Account)
130.00 USD$ / month
RhinoLands yearly subscription
(Subscription. Requires a Rhino Account)
1,250.00 USD$ / year
RhinoLands Upgrade
(Requires a previous purchased version)
1,070.00 USD$

Lands Design commercial:

Lands Design 6795.00 USD$
Lands Design 6 Upgrade
(Requires a previous purchased version)
475.00 USD$

RhinoLands educational:

RhinoLands Educational
(Proof of educational status required)
275.00 USD$
RhinoLands Educational Upgrade
(Requires a previous purchased version)
(Proof of educational status required)
150.00 USD$

Lands Design educational:

Lands Design 6 Educational
(Proof of educational status required)
95.00 USD$
Lands Design 6 Educational Upgrade
(Requires a previous purchased version)
(Proof of educational status required)
55.00 USD$

RhinoLands Lab:

RhinoLands LAB1,790.00 USD$

Lands Design Lab:

Lands Design 6 Lab795.00 USD$
Lands Design 6 LAB Upgrade
(Requires a previous purchased version)
475.00 USD$